4 Common Running Injuries

Competitive people love to run. Running remains one of the most popular sports or ways to exercise. Running is actually very good for you in a number of ways.

For example, it burns a tremendous amount of calories in a short span of time. It is also very good for the cardio-vascular system. However, there are some pitfalls that are associated with running.

Everyone that runs eventually suffers an injury. This is true for the athlete to the casual week-end runner. Some injuries might be caused by poor training techniques, overworking muscles, to running on hard surfaces.

Common Running Injuries & Ways To Treat Them


Let’s take a look at 4 common running injuries and the way to treat them:

1. Achilles Tendinitis

This is a very common injury in runners. The muscle in the Achilles tendon is the muscles that attach the heel to the calf in the back of a runner’s leg.

It is thought that the injury is due to overuse of the muscle in the body. For example, a runner decides to run a longer marathon or increase their training.

This injury is a result of that increased pressure on the muscles in the area. Symptoms are generally very subtle and increase over time. Most suffering with this problem might feel a sudden pain in the heel area after training or running.

Mild cases of Achilles tendinitis are treatable with rest, stretching the muscles in the area, and pain medication. However, more severe cases might require a doctor’s attention.

2. Runners Knee

Runner’s knee is a common complaint among avid runners. However, other athletes complain about this problem too. This is due to overuse of the muscles in the area or impact trauma to the knee.

A biker, jogger, dancer, or even skate boarder might complain about what is typically called a runner’s knee.

Problems in the area might also be due to a problem with the running stance or foot problems that slowly impact the knee area.

Muscles that are weaker in another section of the leg might also cause an imbalance problem that overloads the knee muscle leading to injury.

General symptoms include pain in the knee or behind the knee area. Intense pain while walking, jogging, or running. Some runners report swelling in the knee area too.

Use the RICE method to treat the runner’s knee injury. Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate. Also, take an over the counter pain reliever. More severe injuries require a doctor’s attention.

3. Muscle Pull

Muscle pulls happen to runners all the time. This is overuse of a muscle on the leg that causes an undue strain or tear in the muscle. Muscle tears might lead to further damage in the leg muscles. For example, pain, bruising, and damaged blood vessels.

Typically, the muscle pull occurs in the back of the thigh area on the runner. Symptoms include pain while resting, muscle weakness, bruising, and swelling in the area.

Once again use the RICE Method to treat the injury. Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate. Also, take an over the counter pain reliever. Those that find it extremely difficult or painful to walk should contact their doctor immediately for further assistance.

4. Shin Splints

Shin splints occur in that area that is below the knee and above the ankle, and in front of the calves or inside the area. This injury occurs because the muscles in the area are overworked, strained, stress fractures, or weak muscles.

Some runners complain that they suffer shin splints after changing the type of surface that they run on. For example, changing from asphalt to cement or a dirt road.

Typical symptoms are pain in the area during any activity. Some shin splints are treatable at home and simply require rest and an ice pack on the injury.

It is also advisable to take anti-inflammatory pain medication to ease the symptoms. Those with shin splints that do not heel, should contact their doctor for treatment.

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Theresa Sullivan
Hi, I'm Theresa Sullivan! After graduating college with a writing degree, whilst working my way up to becoming a store manager at a local branch of a popular national shoe retailer, I decided to apply my writing skills and deep knowledge of shoes to help the readers of BestWalkingFeet.com find the best shoes for their feet.
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